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Work at Home Mother Hacks for Motivation and Productivity

Being a mother is draining, rewarding and downright exhausting; you wouldn’t change it for the world but it can be very difficult to juggle everything at the same time. When you throw your work life into the mix as well, everything can sky rocket in terms of your stress levels. When you’re working from home, your health is absolutely everything. Aside from not having sick pay or employee benefits when you’re self-employed, you need to take care of yourself for your children. Balancing motherhood and your career will never be a walk in the park, but some of the following hacks will help you to stay on the right track.

Take Your Health Seriously

You are already a superhero for balancing work and mother life simultaneously, but you can’t afford to lose those powers. Being involved in an unexpected incident can really throw all of your plans out the window, which is why you need to take your health very seriously. Contact Alex Hernandez Lawyer if you have suffered from any sort of personal injury that wasn’t your fault. A professional will be able to help you gain the compensation and justice you deserve, so don’t put off seeking help if you need it.


Eat Well and Drink Water

You probably hear this repeatedly as a working mother; you need to take care of yourself before you take care of others. Although you’ve been hearing the advice, do you actually put it into action at all? Take this as your prompt to go and drink a liter of water right now! Then cook yourself a wholesome lunch bursting with healthy proteins, vegetables and slow releasing carbohydrates. It may take you a little while to get into a good routine, but it will pay off tremendously.

Turn Off Mobile Phone Notifications

How many times a day does a social media notification or a text from an old friend you need to catch up with distract you? We live in a society where our phones are usually glued to our hands, which can cause unhealthy relationships with your work schedule. Turn off non-work related notifications and you will be able to have so much more done. When you adopt this healthy habit, you won’t find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media when you should be tending to your ever growing to do list.

Stick To Your Daily To Do List

Speaking of to do lists, it is very important to have one and stick to it! If you tend to work on the fly you won’t be getting the most out of your working day. Every Sunday you should try to make a list of everything you want to accomplish during the next week. Then categorize these tasks into days do that you know exactly when you need to complete them. When you have this sort of organization in your life, you can truly make it work for you and your schedule.

Plan Ahead as Much as Possible

Forward planning as a working mother is like gold dust. If you find yourself with a spare couple of hours, you could plan the content for your business for the next year if you wanted to! When you have a solid plan in place for the months ahead, you will feel so much more motivated. When you’re having a productive day, consider mapping out your content for the next few months and you will feel well ahead of the game.

woman holding baby

Don’t Beat Yourself Up For Having an Off Day

When you are a mother, your entire day can be turned upside down at the drop of a hat. You may have a terrible night of sleep with your little one, or they may even fall ill unexpectedly. When this happens, it is very important to accept it for what it is. Certain things are out of your control and it doesn’t make you a failure to have an off day.

Learn How to Switch Off

If you never switch off from work mode, you are never going to find a healthy balance between your career and your family. You may prefer to work when your children are napping or asleep in bed; you may have older children that can entertain themselves whilst you go about your working day. Whatever you work schedule may be, you need to learn to switch off when your own office hours close. It can be very tempting to switch on your work brain twenty-four hours a day, but this is when you start to be worn out. Find your own way of relaxing and make a point of sticking to it. Switching off from work may mean pouring yourself a glass of wine, having a bubble bath or going to the park with the kids. Find your trigger and use this to your advantage when switching off from a busy working day.

Ask For Support Around the House

You are probably expected to be a mother, business owner, cleaner, laundry doer and personal chef, right? You are spinning so many plates at the same time that it can get overwhelming. Ask for some help around the house and try to lighten your load if possible. A professional or your partner will be able to help you with this. 

You are going to have days when you want to throw in the towel completely and you’re going to have days that feel like huge achievements. This is motherhood and working from home at its finest; you never know what you’re going to get!

There are so many things you can control when you’re in this type of situation, so make sure you go above and beyond to achieve this. Whether you’re seeking out support or sorting out your schedule for the month, there are a ton of ways to put your mind at ease and feel in control. Stay positive and know that you are doing an amazing job; you’ve got this!