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Uh-Oh! These 3 Hidden Issues Can Damage Your Home Business



Do you have a home business? If you do, then I’m sure you’ll do everything to ensure it’s as successful as possible. The problem is that there are some things that can damage your home business. I’ve listed three hidden issues that can do just that. Give them a read, and help keep your business away from harm!

Home Address

Working from home has plenty of benefits. It’s convenient and saves you a lot of money on office costs. However, there is one thing that can hold your home business back, and damage it. I’m talking about your home address. If you run a business from home, you might be inclined to use your home address on your website. It shows people where you are, what’s the problem with that? The problem is that a home address is very unprofessional. It makes your business lose some of its reputation, and people struggle to take you seriously. So, what you should do is get a professional business address. You can purchase these from companies that will give you a business address in a popular location. It adds to your reputation and makes people think your company is based in a swanky office in the central business district.

Credit Score

Most people think of credit scores as something that concerns their personal finances. However, do you know that your business also has a credit score? It is true, and you will need a good one or it can damage your home business. A poor score affects you in various ways. Firstly, it can stop you from getting company credit. For some people, they need credit to help grow their home business and give it a forward push. But a poor credit score can also result in you needing a high-risk merchant account. What is this? Well, if your company wants to accept credit and debit card payments, then it needs to have a merchant account. This is in place to process these payments, and let your customers pay by card. If you’re deemed to have a high-risk business, then you can end up getting worse rates and having to pay more. So, try and keep a good business credit score, and you won’t have to worry about any of these issues.

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Apple Computer.


When you run a business from an office, you tend to get as much insurance as possible. You get business building insurance to help protect you against damages. If something happens, like your office gets flooded and such cause damages to your equipment, then you get compensation. Strangely, very few people take out business insurance when they work from home. If you have standard home insurance for the building and contents, then you have part of the problem covered already. But, you should also get business equipment insurance and might need public liability insurance too. The former will protect your equipment if it breaks or gets damaged, and the latter will protect you if someone gets hurt on your premises. Therefore, if a client visits you and they slip and fall, your insurance will cover you. A lack of insurance can be very damaging to a home business. All it could take is one problem to ruin you. Insurance protects your finances, and shouldn’t be neglected.

Hopefully, by reading this, you can ensure your business doesn’t suffer. Use this information to stop these issues from damaging your company!