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Spend or Save: When Does It Pay to Be Frugal?’


Being frugal is the foundation of a healthy personal finance. Yet some situations still warrant the need to spend a little more. Read on to find examples of when you can become frugal even when spending more.

Moving House 

First, you are probably well aware that moving a house can cost a lot of money. That is why so many people are enthusiastic about cutting costs wherever they can. However, before you start looking for ways to cut costs when you relocate or move to a new home, you’ll need to think about the impact that it can have on your experience of moving.

Moving home is considered as one of the very stressful experiences in life, and skimping on things to help it go smoothly can make it even more so. Some people usually think they can save money by hiring a truck or van, loading their furniture and stuff onto it at the old place, and unloading them at new home.

However, moving is a very labor, and time-intensive job, which has to be completed in a very short space of time (usually around a single day if you are exchanging). This means it can add a great deal of physical and emotional stress to your experience, and leave you too exhausted or injured to have the energy to settle into your new home and neighborhood properly.
In addition, you will still have to pay to lease a truck, and you won’t be covered if you drop and damage an expensive piece of furniture. Factoring all these, doing a DIY transfer instead of hiring a moving company can seem like a real false economy.

Conclusion: If you can make your life way easier, spend on moving home.

Home/business insurance 

Insurance is something that you should never skimp on, right? After all, you need to make sure that your home or business has the right cover to claim back your costs if something does happen.

Well, the latter part of that statement is true, as you must have comprehensive cover for any eventuality that may occur. Then you can rest assured knowing that if anything does happen, you won’t end up out of pocket.

However, it’s not always necessary to pay through the nose to get this type of comprehensive cover. Instead, there are ways of keeping your insurance costs low while still getting the cover you need.

The first of these is to shop around for different quotes. This can save you a small fortune without having any impact on your level of cover at all. Also, why not consider upping your deductible amount to keep your monthly payments low while ensuring that you still have all the cover you need.

Conclusion: Get the right cover, but save where you can 

Legal representation 

Whenever the law is involved, choosing to skimp is a bad idea. Especially if you are in a situation where your freedom is at risk.

For instance, those that have been charged with a DUI could not only find that they are at risk of losing their job and paying out heavy amounts of compensation, but that they could end up in jail, too.

With that in mind, opting for the cheapest representation you can find is a bad idea. Instead, you’ll want the best and most experienced DUI Lawyer on your team to fight your case. One that can get the case dismissed or, at the very least, reduced.

Conclusion: Always invest in your own liberty. 

Energy bills

Lastly, a great area in which to work hard to make savings is your energy bill. Indeed, the best thing about lowering the cost of the energy that you use is that you will simultaneously be doing your bit for the environment as well.

The key to lowering energy bills is to find ways to use less energy in your life. The good news is that this is pretty easy, as there is a whole selection of tactics that can help you do this without lowering your standard of living at all.

The first of these is choosing to shower instead of taking a bath. Showering uses far less water than bathing, and if you invest in a water-saving showerhead, you will use even less. That means much less water to heat and much lower energy bills.

Another way to cut your energy bills is to get a smart meter that can show you exactly how much you are using. A smart meter is a great way to investigate which appliances add to your energy bill. It also acts as a visual reminder that even basic things like having the lights and heating on aren’t free, something that will help you to turn them off when they aren’t needed.

Conclusion: Keep your energy usage low and your bills will follow.

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