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When a Business Partnership Becomes Sour


You’re in a business partnership that has gone very wrong, your partner has become deceitful, unreliable, and downright hostile. What should you do? It is quite a bad place to be in because, at the end of it all, the nuclear button holds the power to destroy your partnership and potentially, start a series of lawsuits. It is rough, and nothing like this is ever easy. However, you can do a few things before you get to this point. You can show your partner that you are serious, by puffing out your chest legally. You can try to change their culture from the inside. You can try to change the contract. You can do so many things and avoid the partnership breaking apart.

Changing their management

This is a very tricky tactic but if do not right, all your problems could go away. Whether they are not obeying the contract’s obligations, such as delivering materials in the quantity agreed or just being late continuously, they might be withholding funds and not paying for their end of the bargain such as a commercial industrial project. Whatever they are doing that is annoying you, changing the leadership of the people you deal with could solve this. Speak with the people around the leader that you do not like. If it is the head of a department, speak with their managers. Tell them of your concern and see if you could ask if someone else could lead the project? If a manager constantly messes things up, speak with their director or head of the department, and perhaps ask for them to be swapped with someone else. This is a very tricky tactic because you are asking another company to change its leadership. However, this can express very bluntly, how frustrated you are.

They lied to you

When something in the contract does not appear to be what you first thought it was, you will wish you had better lawyers. You would have never signed the contract if you knew there was a potential loophole for the partner to get themselves out of the obligations you thought they were signing up to. That is why a false misrepresentation attorney is so useful. They are experts in false statements and contractual deceit that business owners often face. They will check through the contract and the records to see what the partner has done that goes against their agreement. Did the partner say they would supply you with 50 tons of steel, but they end up using a different measurement that they think equates to 50 tons? Nevertheless, if the contract was signed in your jurisdiction, then they should commit to the measurements you use. The attorney will find ways to twist the arm of the partner to satisfy their obligations or demand payment for compensation.

When things go wrong in a partnership, it is best to face the situation, use legal firepower, and make sure the other party knows you are unhappy and serious about taking action.