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Beat The Clock! Ways To Work Faster In Your Business Day


The pressure is on! Whether you are trying to improve your website or help your employees work better, speed always seems to be the key. But speed can be to the detriment of efficiency and productivity. And it is a common misconception that if you work faster you will sacrifice quality. But are there ways for us to work faster in business without it being to the detriment of quality?

The Best Tools For The Job

It sounds obvious but when you put the right tools in place it can cut corners in the best possible way. There are companies like Refresh Technologies that provide cloud computing systems as well as programs like Office 365; once you’ve learned how to navigate certain shortcuts in these programs, you will improve significantly. It’s much like when you first started to use Microsoft Word and didn’t know the shortcut keys. Once you start to learn these little shortcuts in any program you are going to be far more efficient. And it’s about finding the right tools for what you do. If you are someone who writes a lot of blogs can you benefit from voice recognition software to type out the words for you? There is plenty of food for thought when it comes to the right tools.

Apply Time-Sensitive Tactics

When we’re trying to work faster but more focused we can incorporate the Pomodoro timer for smaller tasks, but we can also look at something like Parkinson’s Law. The concept of Parkinson’s Law is that the work expands to fill the time you have allowed for it. So if you set a specific amount of time to finish a task you will work quicker because you are trying to beat the clock. When you start to apply a little bit of pressure, especially in terms of your timings, you may find that you will work better. You could even get into the flow state. This is something you may have noticed when you have to work against the clock. But when you are trying to work faster a lot of people may think that deadlines mean you will sacrifice quality. But with something like Parkinson’s Law or the 80/20 rule, the idea is to set a specific amount of time that you think it normally takes and just reduce the time limit slightly. This means that the task isn’t impossible to complete but it will hurry things along.

Do Unimportant Tasks In Ten Minutes Flat

When we set ourselves a task we’ve got to differentiate if it’s it’s a high value or low-value task. Once you start to prioritize your tasks in terms of importance and realize that there are numerous unimportant ones, if you can do them within ten minutes and do them just well enough that nobody notices you will work far better and with more time to focus on the bigger tasks. If you do this, you could save yourself approximately 90 minutes every day.

Working faster isn’t to the detriment of quality. And when we only have a certain amount of time to get a lot done, as well as make sure that we have that all-important work-life balance, this is when we’ve got to think about working faster.

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