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Staying Focused at Your Desk: 3 Ways To Beat Home Distractions for Good!

mom learning how to reduce stress when working from homeWorking at home requires a sense of structure and organization so it’s hardly a surprise that the biggest problems occur when the unexpected arises. Working at home is very beneficial because you don’t need to commute, but there is also an abundance of distractions. What does it really take to ensure that you are able to work without distraction? Let’s show you some simple and effective tools that are specific to your home environment.

1. Ensuring Your Home Isn’t a Death Trap.

It sounds obvious, but a lot of the time it can feel like our home is falling apart. If you find yourself trying to work but are distracted by some mold you see in the corner or the fact that that cupboard door has come off its hinges again, making sure that your home is not a deathtrap will do a lot for your peace of mind. But how do you do this? The best approach is to ensure that you have a preventative mindset. Common problems around the home include burst pipes, peeling paint, the boiler breaking down, and blocked drains. There are fantastic tools that can help. The plumBOSS drain surgeon machine is one that comes recommended by experts, but it’s always a good idea to have some background knowledge of DIY too. Your child putting too much toilet paper down the U-bend first thing in the morning can add a lot of time to your day, so making sure that you know how to unblock drains and anticipate common house problems can make a big difference.

2. Giving the Impression You’re Not In

One of the most annoying aspects of working from home is when you are in full flow on something or in the middle of a call and there is the incessant knocking of the door and the doorbell going because the postman or post lady just has to give you their parcel. The fact is that you will need to give the impression that you’re not in a lot of the time, especially when there are cold callers. One of the best things you can do is to set up a mailbox outside of the home. There are many on the market that can keep your mail and parcels protected in adverse weather, but it’s also a good idea for you to work upstairs away from places where people knocking on the door might be able to hear you.

3. Doing the House Tasks Before You Start

People use the idea of cleaning the home or putting the laundry on as a way to get up from the desk. If you can do this around your working hours without you losing momentum, that’s fine, but a lot of people who work from home have got to be strict with their working patterns. The stress that comes with working from home is not just to do with feeling hemmed in, but it’s also about the number of tasks around the house. It is far better for you to get ahead of the day by doing these things first, so when you sit down at your desk, you can focus, but also, when work is done so are you, at least until the kids come home!

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