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Networking 101: How to Make the Most Out of Networking


You either love it, or you hate it, you’re either good at it or bad at it, but there is no denying that when it comes to business, networking is vital. Even if you’re shy and not the ‘type’ of person who networks, you can do it, it doesn’t have to be that scary, and there are plenty of different ways and options for you. Once you’re over the hurdle and start doing it, it’ll really pay off too, whether it’s for potential customers, partners, ideas or even friends, there’s a lot to gain from a little networking.

Keep Up With People You Already Know

This is a perfect place to start; there’s no point going out and getting a whole load of new contacts if you’re not keeping in touch with the ones you already have. Make a list of the most important professional contacts you have, people who have contributed to your career and make sure you keep in regular contact with them.

Be Seen on the Scene

You can’t network sat at home by yourself; you need to get out to the events where the people you want to meet will be. There are loads of networking events now including speed networking, exhibitions, and meet-ups. Make sure you’re signed up to all the relevant newsletters for your industry and be aware about what events are going on. Exhibitions are great for networking, not just during the day at the actual event, but there are always drinks and receptions in the evening, which are great for getting to know people. Going to an exhibition doesn’t have to be expensive either, you can get all you need from somewhere like infinity exhibits, and you’re set. Let the networking begin.

At The Event

Make sure you look happy; no one will want to talk to you if you look miserable by yourself. Be confident; even if you’re not, act as if you are. When talking to people, talk about what you know, show them who you are and that you are an expert in what you do. You must also listen to people though as well, don’t take over the conversation. Make sure you bring business cards with you and hand them out to people, but most importantly, be yourself. People will see through you if you’re not, you are always at your best when you are yourself so embrace it and enjoy it.

Help Others

If you want to connect with someone, find a way you can help that person. Don’t just assume that they already have or know everything they need to; you could bring something entirely new to their table. Then make sure you give to them before you ask for something, make sure you’re invested in that person; you don’t want to come across as a user. Maintain a relationship with them and show that you do actually care about them.

1 thought on “Networking 101: How to Make the Most Out of Networking”

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