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How to Stay Motivated and Driven When Working from Home


This year has seen a rise in people working from home, as you are fully aware of by now. It doesn’t look as though things are going to be completely back to normal for quite a while yet as a vaccine is yet to be invented and administered around the globe. Working from home will be a thing for quite a while, so it’s just a case of wrapping our heads around it and getting on with things productively.

Now, if you’ve always worked from home, then you probably know all the techniques that will help you to speed up and stop you from stalling during the lulls. Not everyone is that sharp in this regard, however. Stopping ourselves from halting our work can be quite difficult – especially when you’re home alone and with little motivation to complete the scheduled work for the day! Fortunately, however, getting into the right frame of mind while we work from home can be quite a simple transition. Nobody is born more driven than another – it’s all to do with things they do in their life and what’s around them. Training the brain and cutting out silly habits can make a huge difference in this regard – and many other facets of life, also. Here are a few things you can do in order to keep yourselves switched on while you work from home:

Set Goals For Yourself And Those Around You 

If you have a target in front of you that needs to be completed by a certain time, you get way more oomph to get moving. When you have all the time in the world and absolutely no pressure to rush, then you can ease off a little. This slight easing turns into a little more easing. It then turns into full-blown laziness that is hard to get out of. If you have little tasks in front of you with boxes that need to be ticked, it’s very easy to become more motivated. We love, as people, completing challenges and winning little games – it’s addictive and feels fantastic. The more we do it, the better we feel each day, and the more often we’ll want to redo them. This isn’t just a thing for you, of course – if you get those around you behaving this way, then the overall ambiance will be one of productivity and focus.

Have Lots Of Your Plate 

When you have your one job to do, you’ll sometimes feel motivated to get it done because of the clear objectives ahead. It doesn’t always work like that, though. When you have lots going on, it can make you feel a lot more motivated as you’ll want to move onto different side projects. You obviously shouldn’t harbor too many tasks as it can be overwhelming, but knowing you have other jobs can keep your mind focused on the more productive, professional side of life. A huge issue with working from home (especially alone) is that your mind can wander into more personal issues, and overthinking can occur.

Get Something To Eat And Drink

We all need to fill our bellies a few times a day in order to function properly. Our bodies need the fuel in order to work effectively, but our minds also need some of the nutrients. Have you ever made silly mistakes during the day right before mealtimes? Well, that’s due to your mind not getting what it wants nutritionally.

Avoid Little Distractions 

We’re all guilty of procrastinating in this life. We’re all guilty of procrastinating when we’re supposed to be working at home. With all the distractions at home, it’s impossible not to at certain points in life – it’s just a case of limiting them. Place your phone in another room, shut yourself away from distracting housemates or family members, avoid video games, etc. Do what you can to get rid of things that will get in the way of your work. They’ll take over your mind and your priorities; you’ll feel as though those distractions are more important than the actual work you have at hand, strangely enough.

Improve Your Setup And The Environment Around You

If you have the best possible equipment and environment, then your chances of getting things done will obviously improve. It’s easy to slack off and get a little disinterested when you have an old, slow gear. We’re talking about the likes of the desk you work at and the computer that sits atop. The seating arrangement and the atmosphere also make a difference. In terms of you personally, perhaps getting things like new glasses (perhaps fresh ones made in Austria) can help you to work a lot smoother and without complications. It often seems like an excuse, but little aspects like these can make a big difference in how you operate day-in-day-out.

Chop Up Your Work Into Sections

If you have a huge bulk of work ahead, it can be quite overwhelming. For some reason, this kind of thing can stop you from wanting to work for long periods as it feels like a huge wall that you’ll never be able to climb over. If you split it up into smaller pieces, though, you’ll mentally be able to beat it all. The walls will feel much smaller, and you’ll continuously jump over each.

Ask For Help From Your Superior 

It’s obviously completely fine to ask for help. If you slow down a little, the chances are that it’s because you’ve hit somewhat of a wall and don’t really know how best to continue. If you can’t get in touch with your team leader, then someone alongside you could possibly lend an ear and a hand.

Keep A Positive Attitude

This is just as important as anything else on the list. If you have a negative mindset, then you’ll be beaten before you even start. As soon as a little lapse in concentration ensues, you’ll begin to think that your productivity for the day will drop off entirely. Do not think negatively about how the day will go – always view yourself as a productive individual that gets things done.