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How To Save Time When You Work From Home

As busy work at home wife and mother, you have so much to think about. Right from the get go when the kids wake up, the demands on your time are constant.

There is always someone wanting attention, asking a question, trying to find something, or trying to go somewhere!  Some days you never want to hear that word MOM, ever again. But of course the feeling passes!

So, when you have to take care of your partner, the kids, the house and perhaps a dog, AND work from home what can you do to make your life a little easier and save a  little more quality time for yourself.


Consider getting a Virtual Assistant

This is not half as extreme as you may think.  A virtual assistant can take care of all those time consuming jobs that are generally so tedious.

Things like booking theatre seats, renewing memberships, and really important things like reading up on how to beat a traffic ticket for those times when you’ve run the red light and are now facing the consequences.

Never underestimate how much time you spend on your phone, or online just organising your family life. Getting someone else to do this for you might be the best thing you’ve ever done.

Grocery Delivery

Going to the store for the weekly shop can take up a good half a day. But with a little forward planning, you can save this time by ordering your groceries online, and getting it delivered straight to your door, and if you are lucky, straight to the kitchen.

Take some time to construct your shopping list.  What are those repeat purchases that you make every single week. Probably things like juice, milk, tea, coffee, toiletries, and so on, are things you buy every time you shop, so you already have the basis of a time saving list.

Online shopping can also often help you save money as you won’t make so many impulse purchases, it’s a win win situation.

Choose your delivery slot, hit the send button and straight away you have gained a few hours, saved some gas travelling to the store and you will know exactly what time to expect the delivery driver at your door.

Hire a cleaner and find an ironing service.

You can’t do it all, it’s impossible and it’s soul destroying when you’ve spent the day cleaning the house while the kids are at school and your partner is at work, only to have it trashed again 10 minutes after everyone has walked back in the door.

It’s slightly more acceptable, if someone else has done it, whilst you have concentrated on something more constructive, or enjoyable!  And as for that ironing, just find that service, right now after reading this! You’ll save yourself hours, and there are actually people who enjoy ironing. Are they mad?!

No matter what lifestyle you have, you are already probably last on the ‘me time’ list, so take control, make some changes and put yourself first once in a while.

1 thought on “How To Save Time When You Work From Home”

  1. Pingback: Setting Up A Business For WAHWMs & Other Remote Workers

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