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How To Manage The Energy In Your Business Effectively

energy-saving-businessWith so much conversation now happening in regards to global warming and climate change, it’s only correct that businesses are doing their bit in order to save on energy where possible. Making those energy-saving changes is easier than you think. Here are ways on how to manage the energy in your business effectively.

Consider Lighting

Working from home will likely mean that you are using a lot more energy in your home than usual. That can make it quite difficult for your property bills because unlike a full-time job where you work for a company in an office, it’s there responsibility to pay the bills, not yourself. Therefore, this is something that you seriously want to factor in when it comes to cutting down in order to save yourself some money. Lighting is one of the biggest energy consumers, and it can be very easy to leave the lights on around your working space and in your home. Try to remember to turn off all lights within the home when they are not being used. Make use of natural daylight (it’s free after all), to keep your office space lit during working hours. That way you won’t need to use as much lighting while in the home. You could always ask an industrial electrician for advice on the best bulbs and lighting to use in general.

Of course, the dark mornings and evenings can be a little trickier, so it might be worth using more energy-efficient light bulbs. There are several available on the market that don’t use up so much energy but are still giving you the light that you need to be able to work.

Turn Off Appliances

Your computer(s) are likely to be the main source of energy used to be able to run your business from home. Whether you use it for a few hours a day or several, the difference it makes to your electricity bill and your carbon footprint will be astronomical. Many employees when they are working in an office environment will often leave their computers on standby or sleep mode. Even though this might be needed in the case of having a slow computer or a busy day ahead, it’s certainly more effective energy-wise, to switch off computers completely. The amount it will save you will be noticeable. Turn off appliances in general when you’re not using them, and that goes for everything in your home. You will likely be using more around the home, like your kitchen, the living room, and bedroom. There’s opportunity for more distractions at home, so try to keep as many appliances switched off during ‘working hours’.

Watch What You Eat

Yes, what you’re eating has an effect on the environment. Not only due to what it is you’re eating but also what it comes packaged in. There’s been significant talk regarding plastic, which is the number one material that’s used the most but takes the longest to degrade. So actions have been put in place to cut down the amount of plastic that’s used, starting with paper straws and replacing bags with paper or other, more long-lasting materials. When doing your weekly or monthly food shop, think about each item and what its coming in. There should be a conscious effort in purchasing more food that comes loose or in biodegradable packaging. Start by doing a plastic audit in your home, and you’ll certainly be surprised by just how much you use in your own home and what you can cut down.

If you can, try to cut down on meat too. Try meatless days where you replace meat with vegetarian or vegan alternatives. It is always good to try out different foods and flavors that you may have not tasted before. You could be pleasantly surprised with how your diet changes and for the better.

Have a No Printing Rule

Printing out on paper might be necessary for some things that you do for business. Legal documents ideally need to be available in physical format, should the digital version become compromised and vice versa. Try to incorporate a no printing rule within your own business. Not everything needs to be printed on paper, and you save on a number of things including stationary supplies, which are likely to be costly and will add up over the course of a year. Ink cartridges are also pretty expensive, and like plastic, they tend to be not useful to the environment when of no use. Thankfully a lot of ink cartridges can simply be refilled but to save on energy overall, set this no printing rule because it will help to cut down on the majority of the printing you do for your business.

Insulate Your Home

Insulation is critical to ensuring that your home stays warm all year round. It’s also the reason on how you save money and reduce the amount of occasions that you put on the heating. Insulate your home using insulation in the walls and the roof of your home. Ensure all windows are sealed property around the edge and that you have either double or triple-glazed windows. Try to keep the draft out with draft excluders at the bottom of your doors, particularly the front and back. Keep doors closed in general to keep the heat in your office. That way you don’t need to have your heating on for long when all you’re trying to do is heat the room you’re in.

Saving energy is great for the environment and allows future generations to enjoy the same surroundings that we are very fortunate to be in. Therefore, by following these tips, your business will be making that small but significant step in making our world a greener place. There’s still plenty that can be done, so do not limit yourself to just the above. After all, the more energy you save, the more money you’ll save in the process. That is certainly something beneficial to you and your business.

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