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How to Encourage Your Customers to Shop With You Again


Securing a sale or order is essentially the sole aim of business, however encouraging a second or even third sale or order is the ultimate reward for all of your hard work. Maintaining swathes of loyal customers that buy from your business repeatedly can keep you afloat despite any trends or difficulties that may occur within both your industry and society as a whole. Luckily, it need not be as difficult as you might expect to encourage your customers to shop with you again, as there are several tried and tested tips and tricks that you can make the most of to influence your audience with ease. So, if you would like to find out more, then simply read on!

Ask For Contact Information

One of the most essential steps that you must take in order to secure loyal, long-term clientele involves asking each of your customers for those contact information. Failing to request their contact information will leave you with no way to get in touch with them, meaning you won’t be able to influence their decisions or encourage them to shop with you again. Ask for either (or both) their phone number and email address that you can utilize to reach your customers whenever you see the opportunity. This may be during the ordering process – simply add a tick box that requests permission to utilize their contact information to keep in contact with news and offers. If you send their order directly to their home address, you can also ask for permission to send your campaigns through the post. Making the most of direct mail marketing is a great way to remind your customers of their recent order, and inspire them to buy with you again.

Offer Rewards for Loyalty

A brilliant way to encourage your customers to shop with you again is to offer rewards for their loyalty! There are many different rewards that you can choose between, as well as several different methods to offer these rewards to your customers. Utilizing the contact information that you previously collected will give you the access and attention you need, and you can begin by providing something such as vouchers or discount codes that they can use for things like 10% off their second order. In addition, offering your own loyalty cards that your customers can use to earn points is another effective option. Many businesses find it extremely beneficial to offer loyalty cards, as you can provide something such as a free item or service on their 6th order – you won’t lose out on any money overall, as they will need to shop with you a minimum of 6 times to achieve their reward!

Encouraging your customers to shop with you again has never been so simple when you can take the time to utilize some of the effective tips and tricks that have been carefully detailed above. Start off by requesting permission to use their contact information, and explore the option of loyalty based rewards that encourage regular shopping.