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Handy Hints For a Home Office You’ll Actually Love


Working from home is a no-brainer. You get to be the boss, set your work hours, and enjoy unlimited coffee breaks. Yes, nothing beats being in charge while working from the comfort of the office. Wait a minute; you don’t have a home office? Well, sadly it’s a problem because it’s essential to have a place to settle in and work hard. In truth, trying to be productive in front of the TV is hard no matter how often you say otherwise.

Creating a workspace isn’t enough; it has to be a place you’ll love. That way, the business will go from strength to strength as you put in the hours and enjoy every moment. Choosing where to start is the key, and it’s probably the hardest decision in the short-term.

Thankfully, the internet is a vat of information with all the answers. Here are a couple of the best ones that were found while researching. The following is by no means an exhaustive list, so feel free to discover your own and pop up with tips and advice.

Use Pinterest for Design Ideas

Don’t fret if the idea of designing and decorating an office feels like a huge task. In reality, it is because you’re not an interior designer with years of skill and experience in the field. However, your creative juices will begin to flow as soon as you see the trends and styles that make you think “wow.” Magazines are helpful, as are TV programs such as Top Design and Color Splash. Easily the best tool is a free online website that goes by the name of Pinterest. Tagging pins to boards is a quick and easy method that has skyrocketed in popularity in the past five years. The format is self-explanatory so check out and get tagging. Be careful when trying to replicate styles because they may not suit your needs.

Follow the Ergonomic Rules

For those that don’t know what these are, congratulations because you’ve come to the right place. Ergonomic is everything body-related, from the muscles at the bottom of your back to the eyes. Yep, even the small organs in the skull have rules and regulations. An excellent one to keep in mind is the backrest attached to the office chair. Make sure it comfortably fits into the small of your back and provides lasting support. After all, you may be sitting in it for a long time. Another trick is to align the top of the screen with your eyes. That way, as you read downwards, they will moisten naturally and help prevent fatigue. It’s a cool trick, right? Finally, place the keyboard so that your arms run parallel to the floor.

Tidy Up

Clutter is expensive, in terms of both time and money. Seriously, plenty of people have let their messy table stop them from paying a bill or attending a meeting. As a far-fetched as it sounds, it happens. Money is crucial, but time is as important for the home-based worker as, without it, you won’t be productive. For the most part, it only takes five to ten minutes at the end of the day to keep the desk and surrounding area clean. Regarding the office as a whole, try to give everything a home so nothing is loose. Books, for example, can go to the Goodwill store. Alternatively, check out as they will provide you with a cut. Do the same with DVDs, musical instruments and anything that doesn’t have to be in the room. Cleaning is the last thing anyone wants to do yet it has a huge impact on productivity and output.


Let There Be Light

Think about the best work environment in which you ever worked. Now, think about the worst. Apart from the glaringly obvious, light is usually the thing that sets them apart. Bad office spaces feel like prisons where the employee is being held against their will rather than volunteering to do a job. No windows mean there isn’t any light, and no sunlight brings about feelings of depression and gloominess. As you control the light at home, be sure to let in as many UV rays as possible. On a sunny day, the mood boost will make you want to work harder, faster, stronger and longer. Start with something simple: drawing the curtains. In fact, you may want to install blinds instead as they are lighter and airier. Then, remove blockages such as paintings, ceramics, antiques, etc. which are in the way. If need be, use lamps to add ambient lighting.

Add Greenery

There are numerous reasons to decorate with plants, but the two main ones are personalization and cleanliness. Firstly, a row of flowers spread throughout the room makes it feel like home. Granted, it is already home, but it is a foreign space which isn’t as welcoming in the beginning. Plants change the perception of the entire area thanks to their color. Secondly, all greenery photosynthesizes which involves metabolizing carbon dioxide and dispelling O2. It’s a fancy term for saying creating oxygen. As a result, the right plants will keep the air supply in the office nice and fresh, and that makes working efficiently far easier.

Get Out, Get Out, Get Out!

Finally, the last piece of advice is to leave the office whenever there is a chance. In no way does this mean that you hate the space and can’t stand working from home. If anything, it’s a sign you want to get back to it as soon as possible. The key to getting results is to take regular breaks to refresh the brain. Otherwise, the mind gets tired and you find yourself being unable to complete simple tasks. Therefore, an impromptu coffee break is an excellent way to gather your thoughts and develop a new battle plan. And, if it takes place outside of the office, it’s all the better. Remember that being in one place for too long can make you feel stir crazy.

What do you think? Are you in love with your new home office?