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9 Creative Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Sales This Festive Season


The holiday season is a time when businesses all around the world see a surge in sales. People are out shopping for gifts and spending money on things they wouldn’t normally spend their hard-earned cash on. If you want to take advantage of this busy season and boost your sales, then you need to get creative with your marketing strategies.

In this blog post, we will discuss nine creative marketing ideas that you can use to increase your sales this festive season!

1. Run A Holiday-Themed Giveaway

Holiday-themed giveaways are a great way to boost your sales around the holiday season. You can partner up with another company or website and offer products that are geared toward the holidays. Or, you can make it even more interesting by offering one of your own products as a prize in exchange for signing up on your mailing list. Giveaways are the ideal way to increase brand awareness and collect more email addresses to add to your mailing list.

2. Add Free Gift Wrapping to Your Products

People love receiving gifts, and many of them will want to buy their gifts elsewhere if they know that they don’t have the option of having them gift-wrapped in-store. Therefore, offer free gift wrapping with every purchase to entice customers into buying more gifts from you. Free gift wrapping is always a win-win situation, as it will not only improve your sales but also make your customers happy. With the rise of custom-printed wrapping paper, you can even print your logo or website address on each gift to increase brand awareness!

3. Offer A 10% Discount on All Your Products.

The holidays are a time of giving, and people are more likely to buy gifts for their loved ones if they know that they’re getting a good deal. Create some festive discount codes and offer them to your customers, both new and old. This will give them the incentive to shop with you and help you clear old stock! Customers love receiving discounts and coupon codes, and many of them will sign up for your mailing list just to receive these special offers. Just be sure to keep any sales in mind when doing your annual stock planning.

4. Create A Holiday-Themed Email Campaign

Your email marketing campaign is one of the most important tools in your marketing arsenal. Use it to send emails that showcase your holiday specials, deals, and more. It’s also a great way to send exclusive offers and discounts to your customers that they can’t find anywhere else. For example, you could create a campaign on a website like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor, which will allow you to send out emails that have a custom look and feel. You can even create an entire website or landing page for your holiday marketing campaign and include a sign-up form that allows users to receive email updates about your upcoming promotions.

5. Give Away Promotional Items

Promotional items are a great way to get your brand out there and gain some exposure. Promotional items can be in the form of stickers, t-shirts, pens, mugs, USB drives, and much more. For example, is a great place to get custom USB drives that can be used as promotional items. Promotional items are a great way to draw in new customers and keep them coming back. When selecting promotional items, it’s best to keep your brand in mind. You want to select items that are related to your industry and will appeal to your target market.

6. Create A Holiday-Themed Social Media Campaign

Social media is an excellent way for you to reach new customers and market your business. Use this holiday season as an opportunity to run a holiday-themed social media campaign. For example, you could offer discounts, spotlight your products, or host a contest and encourage people to share it with their friends. Social media is the ideal way to reach a wide audience and boost your sales. Make sure you regularly post fresh content to your social media profiles so that customers can see that you are active.

7. Sell Gift Cards

Selling gift cards is a great way to boost your sales this festive season. People love receiving gift cards because they can choose the products that they want, and gift cards also give people an opportunity to try out your products or services. Make sure to invest in a quality gift card printer so you can create custom designs and print them quickly. Gift cards are also a great way to boost repeat business because people will return and spend their gift card balance the next time they need your products or services.

8. Host A Holiday Party

Hosting a holiday party is a great way to bring customers together, strengthen relationships with current customers, and gain exposure for your brand. You can also use this opportunity to showcase some of your new products or a special promotion you’re running. Hosting a holiday party for your customers will help build your brand and boost sales, as it will help get your name out there and can result in new products or services sales to some of the guests.

9. Start An Affiliate Program

An affiliate program is a great way to get other people to help market your business and increase sales. Set up an affiliate program by offering them a commission when they successfully refer a sale to you. This is also a great way to get your products in front of new people who might not have known about you otherwise. In order to start an affiliate program, you should create a promotional landing page with an affiliate sign-up form and start reaching out to other businesses or bloggers in your industry to see if they’ll partner with you.

As the holiday season draws near, it’s important to start thinking of ways that you can boost sales and market your business effectively. Use these creative marketing ideas to help guide you as you create your own plan for boosting sales this festive season. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to see an increase in holiday sales this year!