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3 Golden Rules For Video Marketing

woman-video-marketingVideo content should be a central part of any marketing campaign because consumers respond far better to visual stimulus than anything else. That’s why photos and videos are so important on a website, for example, because nobody wants to read a huge block of text. If your marketing materials are very text heavy, you’re making people work too hard to understand the message that you’re trying to send. If you haven’t been putting that many resources into video marketing so far, that needs to change. Unfortunately, video marketing isn’t as easy as it might seem and you need to make sure that you’re getting it right so your investment isn’t wasted. As long as you follow these golden rules, you will be able to create winning video marketing content every time.

Tell a Story

People don’t respond well to marketing materials that are just a call to action and nothing else. That means that you won’t get very far with a slick video filled with close ups of the product and an invitation to purchase it. The most important thing is that you tell a story with your video content and show the customer how the product will improve their lives. One great example of this is car adverts. You’ll notice that a car advert rarely tells you anything about the top speed or the mileage of the car because people don’t respond well to a boring sales pitch. Instead, you see epic shots of people cruising down empty roads and having fun. It’s not about the technical properties of the car, it’s about how it makes you feel when you drive it.

Good Production Values

This is one of the most important things because if you start releasing video content that looks like it’s taken on a cheap mobile phone camera, people aren’t going to take you seriously. If you can’t even create a high quality video, how can you be trusted to create a high quality product? There’s a lot of skill in planning and filming good quality video content so you should always enlist a digital marketing company and discuss your ideas for the video with them. They will take your mixed bag of ideas and turn it into professional video content that connects with your customers.

Keep It Short And Sweet

When you’re posting video content on your website, the aim should be to turn traffic into leads by showing them how your product can improve their lives. However, they don’t want to sit there for half an hour watching a long video before they make that decision. You have about 10 seconds before people will decide to either carry on watching or click off and go elsewhere, so make it the most exciting 10 seconds you can. Even if you can catch their attention and they continue watching, you should try to keep the video under 2 minutes if possible. If you can’t get everything that you want to say into that time, your message is too confusing.

Follow these three rules and you will be able to create amazing video content that generates many sales.


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