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4 Things Your Business Can Still Work on During a Temporary Shutdown


Is your business currently in a strange situation where you have had to close down temporarily? You find yourself in a similar position to many businesses across the world right now. While some companies in some countries are being granted permission to re-open, others are still stuck in limbo.

It’s a problem, as you don’t know what to do. You cannot carry on with your usual work, but you do not want to sit around doing nothing. Thankfully, there are certain things your business can focus on while you are temporarily shut down. Look at these ideas to ensure your company does not stagnate during this difficult period.

Employee development

An easy thing to focus on is the development of your employees. Essentially, you can dedicate time to online training. These SAP Litmos reviews show you that there are online training systems for businesses. In essence, you can create your own training courses for employees to study while they are at home. It ensures people remain productive while also learning new things that will benefit your business when you re-open. This is something you may have considered for many years but never got round to actually doing it. With some spare time on your hands, it’ makes sense to take advantage of the situation and train your employees.

Pivoting your offers

You might have heard of the idea of pivoting before. For those that have not, it is the idea of changing your business offerings in response to certain situations. To make this relevant, you alter your services to help make money during your temporary shutdown. I think restaurants are a fantastic example of this in action. Most restaurants are not going to open for at least a few weeks or months. As such, owners have pivoted by offering recipe boxes or food delivery services. There is a local Italian restaurant where I live that has started making pizza boxes where they send out the ingredients to make your own pizza. Some restaurants are offering online cooking classes via Zoom. Other industries and businesses are adapting as well, so you can spend some time figuring out how you can pivot.

Customer service

Taking care of your current customers is more important than ever before. Especially if you’re unable to draw in new ones! You need to retain your customers and keep them happy. This means you can count on them to continue helping you during and after this challenging period. I have written an article on connecting with customers during COVID-19, so you should check that out for some vital tips. Ultimately, you have to keep up an excellent level of customer service to ensure you do not lose existing customers as well as fail to bring new ones in.


Chances are your business has investments somewhere. If you’re unable to operate in other ways right now, you can spend your time managing your investments and ensuring that you’re still gaining rewards from them! If you’re relatively new to the field, it’s worth reading a comprehensive guide to get the most from your trading and investments.


During a time when you are not as busy as before, it is a great time to get organized. When business is chaotic, it is easy to push some things to the back burner and tell yourself you will get around to them when you have time later. That time rarely comes, so this is a great opportunity to tackle that list and get organized.

You may want to organize your physical space, the files on your computer, or your finances. Re-evaluating your company bank account or going over and itemizing your budget is a great use of time. You can also look for ways to automate your business and streamline it to make it more effective when things open back up.

No matter how you look at it, we are in a very strange situation. It is easy to feel like there is nothing you can do until your business is allowed to open. On the contrary, you can spend your time on many things. The more you do during a temporary shutdown, the easier it will be to spring back into action when your doors are open.

4 thoughts on “4 Things Your Business Can Still Work on During a Temporary Shutdown”

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