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5 Ways to Manage Your Home Office Productivity


If you started a business from home to have more time for your family and be able to work flexible hours, you don’t want to give up the dream just because you got busy. We all feel overwhelmed every now and then, and it is affecting our productivity. Below you will find a few tips on how to make the most out of your time spent working from home.

1. Manage Your Time

It is important that you know how much time you are spending on each task. If you have a set desired hourly rate, but you are paid per project or work completed, you should always look whether or not you are earning enough per hour. This will help you set your prices right and stop working for less than you are worth.

2. Eliminate Distractions

If you would like to run your home office like clockwork, it is important that you stay focused on the task. This means that you need to be able to separate your home and work life, and close the door behind yourself whenever you are starting or stopping your work. If you want to have some relaxing time, you will need to finish work as soon as possible, so you can focus on your family, instead of still thinking about work.

3. Block Schedule

If you haven’t heard about block scheduling yet, it is time to introduce it to your diary. This is actually one of the best pieces of business advice you will hear. Your brain takes around 25-30 minutes to switch between tasks, so if you jump from one activity to the next, you will be wasting a lot of time being unproductive. If you need a CRM system, you can talk to Integrated Technology Services to find the right solution for your home based business.

4. Pomodoro Technique

It is crucial that you measure your productivity at all times and reward yourself with breaks. If you sit in front of the computer all day, you will need to take a break from the screen and stand up, walk around, or have a stretch regularly. You should use the Pomodoro app to track your tasks and remind yourself of taking a step back, resting your eyes and wrists.

5. Outsource

When you run a one-man band, you will need to ensure that you are doing things that you are effective in. The rest of the specialist tasks can be outsourced, such as following up emails, admin, as well as accounting. If you are too busy to manage your accounts, you can find affordable social media management packages that will automate your posts. This will take care of your engagement and lead generation, so you can focus on getting things done.

To make the most out of your productivity when working for yourself, you should optimize your performance and focus on things that generate the most profits. You should always set an earnings target for each activity, so you can make a decent living.