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Financing Your Home Business

There are many important aspects of a new business, but one of the most important ones is finance. Whether you are at the launch of your business or you are planning its growth, finance will be at the very forefront of your mind. The success of your business can depend on having access to the right finance, and if you are starting your business from a little office in the home, you’ll need to be able to finance that, too.


A home office setup isn’t just a laptop on the couch with a cup of tea. Some businesses need some of the larger office equipment and sometimes having an entire office set up in the home is easier to be able to separate work and life. When you are looking to finance your home office, can get you what you need. Once you’ve got the office set up in the exact way that you want it, then it’s time to move onto financing the actual business itself. We have some examples of common start-up finance ideas below, to help you to make an informed decision about where you can get your business finances.

Business Overdraft

Having a business overdraft is a smart idea as opposed to a formal business loan for many reasons. Banks are often fonder of extending an overdraft than allowing finance for a small business, especially because many banks are saying no to businesses now. By having an overdraft, you can avoid early repayment penalties and pay it back as quickly as you like.

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Business Loan

A business loan is an option, but it is a more formal debt. A bank loan is not something that can be recalled as easily as an overdraft, though, so they are a good way to get the finance you need as you need it. Some loans require security, though, so be aware of what you’re signing up for.

Personal Money

Another option for your new home business is to invest some of your personal money, but this isn’t usually advised. Mixing business finance and personal finance can have some real repercussions and you can read about that here.


Many who begin a business at home look closer to home for their finance. The bank of mum and dad has a lot going for it and if your angel investors happen to be your parents, you have a personal stake in your company. Speak to a lawyer before you allow them to hand over any money, though, because your parents will need to understand the risks if the business folds.

Starting a business from home has its challenges, from finance to whether your personal life merges too closely to your business life. Raising finance for a new company is always a challenge and when you want to launch your big idea during difficult financial times, you need to be prepared for rough waters ahead of you. Whether you are renting business premises or setting up your home office, plan your finances carefully. Do that, and you’ve won half the battle.