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This Is Why No One Is Reading Your Blog!


When you’re running a blog, a few things are more disheartening or frustrating than putting a great deal of time and effort into a post, only to post it and find that no one is actually reading it. For many people, if this happens too many times, it can become more trouble than it is worth to keep a blog running, thus, they give up. So what’s the secret? How do the more successful blogs manage to bring in thousands of readers every day while you are still struggling to reach double digits? Well, here are a few simple things that may be able to help you reach a larger audience.

Find a niche

Here is the thing, blogging might have been a small industry a few years ago, but that simply isn’t the case anymore. The reality is that there are thousands upon thousands of different blogs online and many of them are on the same subject. If you decide that you want to run a food blog or a fashion blog, then you have to compete with every single other person running the same kind of blog online as well. The only way around that is to find some kind of niche that you feel like no one else has covered. Maybe you have something to offer from a cultural perspective; maybe you have an angle on the things that you are writing about that no one else has found. Figuring out what sets your blog apart from the crowd is one of the most important things that you can do.

Reach out for help

One of the biggest secrets of many of the most successful blogs and websites is that they did not achieve that success all on their own. The truth you can use plenty of different services when trying to reach an audience. Whether it is a company that offers expert PPC management or another blog that you can collaborate with in order to reach his or her audience, there is nothing wrong with needing a leg up from someone else on your journey to success in the blogosphere. Trying to do everything yourself is just going to leave you feeling exhausted and never seeing the results that you want.


Improve your content

One of the hardest things to come to terms with is simply that people might not be reading your content because your content is not very good. You need to look at the things that you are posting and be brutally honest with yourself: do people actually want to read it? If the answer is no, do not panic, there are plenty of things that you can do. There are hundreds of writing classes available online and offline that can help you make your content more dynamic, interesting, and overall engaging to your readers. It does not matter how good you are a bringing people to your blog, if they do not care about what you are posting, they are not going to bother coming back.