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Ergonomics: Five Things To Consider When Setting Up Your Home Office


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Having worked at home for a considerable period, I can tell you that working at home makes you think of ergonomics. First, the luxury of working from home changes the way you do things on a daily basis. Next, you don’t have an office building with a bunch of pre-determined furniture and equipment supplied for you. It’s time to take matters into your own hands, and you need to do it in order to keep yourself healthy.

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Then read on.

1. Remember To Take Regular Breaks

No one is going to tell you how much you can or cannot work when you’re working from home. You have other responsibilities, sure, but it’s easy to lose track of time when you’re out of the office environment. There might be instances when you start to feel guilty that you’re slacking and not getting enough done especially if your computer is just right in front of you. Make sure you take regular breaks and allow yourself to rest. There is a very good reason for them.

2. Invest In a Suitable Office Chair

You cannot just expect to grab any old chair from around the home and find yourself feeling comfortable. A good seating position is crucial if you’re going to be sitting at the computer every single day. You might want to look online at places like Office Chairs Only for a comparison of the best chairs out there. You might even find that your company can supply one for you! Don’t lose sight of this important consideration.


Image credit: Pixabay

3. Place Computer Equipment in The Correct Location

The placement of your computer equipment is very important. You want to make sure that your monitor is kept at eye level, for starters. Think about how you place your keyboard and mouse, too. If your keyboard isn’t at elbow height, you might be causing damage to your joints. Also, be sure to keep your wrists straight as you type. It will good to consider investing in a proper mouse instead of using that laptop one.

4. Be Smart With Lighting

The way in which you light your office will potentially affect both your productivity and your long-term health. You don’t want to be starting at a screen in the pitch black all day! Also, be sure to keep your monitor’s brightness at a reasonable level. It’s very easy to give yourself eye strain if you don’t take care with lighting.

5. Don’t Work 24 Hours a Day!

Listen, I know how tempting it is but I’ve been in this position where I’ve done nothing but work from morning to night. It makes you irritable. It makes you tired. It puts huge pressure on your joints, causing pain in the long run. There’s no one out there that should have to work to this kind of level. Give yourself some time to rest and enjoy the pleasures of life. At the end of the day, it’s only work. It isn’t worth it. Make sure you don’t forget that!