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Protect Your Interests During a Divorce


When you are facing a divorce, you are likely struggling with a number of issues. At this time of change, it is important that you have the legal representation that you need. Many issues must be settled when ending a marriage, and an experienced divorce attorney Tampa can help.

Divorce when there are Kids Involved

There is no doubt, when children are involved, a divorce can be even more stressful. Determining child custody, support, and visitation are important factors, and the court will take a number of things into consideration when making a ruling regarding these sensitive issues.

For example, the court will analyze factors such as the stability of the children, the physical and mental health of the parents, the capacity of the parents to act on the best interests of the children, and how the child is doing in their current home and school.

Of course, there are many other factors that will be used in determining residential custody and visitation for the children; however, the court will only be able to make its decision based on the information it has been presented for review. This means that it is crucial that you have an experienced lawyer who will be able to make sure that the court has all relevant information in order to help ensure a favorable decision.


Separation of Property and Other Assets

In the state of Florida, marital assets are divided by equitable distribution. This simply means that all assets and debts are divided fairly between both parties in the divorce. Of course, that is the basis of the Florida statute; however, there can be extenuating circumstances that can result in a different distribution.

An important factor when determining equitable distribution of marital property is to determine what assets are actually marital properties. While the court will work with the aim of dividing property equitably or fairly, this does not always mean it will be divided equally. Factors such as the length of the marriage, the economic circumstances of each party, what each party has contributed to the marriage, and even the contribution that one spouse had made to the other spouse’s career or educational opportunities can all be important in the division of property and debts.

When you need help with a divorce, an experienced divorce lawyer, such as one of the lawyers at Hackworth Law PA, can help. Even if you think your divorce will be amicable, it is important to have someone who can make sure that your interests are protected.