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Office Design Tips For A More Inspiring Workplace


Office. Image Source.

The office is where you go to work but it does not have to be a boring and drab place of all function and no fun. Decorating your workplace to be more vibrant and homely could make you feel more comfortable and therefore happy, increasing your desire to be there and hence increasing your productivity. If you are a business owner looking to spruce up the workplace, here are some creative touches you could make to stop your office looking and feeling like a prison cell.

Create a lounge area

For workers on their break, create a lounge area to de-stress. Many companies sell lounge suites that serve a homely and yet official purpose (Roth Newton lounge suites are a good example of this). A lounge area can also serve as a great waiting room for clients, interviewees and other visitors. You can even add a TV here but make sure that it is not distracting to those working.

Buy plants

Much research has been made into positive effects of plants in the office. Firstly, plants add a bit of nature to the often tech-heavy and artificial surroundings of an office, improving the mental state of workers. Secondly, they provide a fresh source oxygen, converting exhaled carbon dioxide from the air and helping to air out the office. Cacti, orchids, aloe plants, jade plants, snake plants and peace lilies are just some of the more popular flora that office owners will purchase.

Fuel your workers with coffee and snacks

Every office worker needs a good caffeine hit in the morning. Snacks can also give that extra boost of serotonin throughout the day. Indeed, most offices have a kettle and a fridge. However, why not spice things up? Shell out on a filter coffee machine to stop people having to drink that horrible instant stuff. Insert a vending machine full of chocolates and crisps to stop people having to trek across the road to the corner shop when they reach that 3pm lull. You do not have to provide your workers with paid restaurant lunches every day (although that would make you a very nice boss) but it pays to offer your workers some food luxuries.

Be colorful

Blank white walls and grey carpets are depressing. An office should not have to be devoid of color. Use bright yellows, blues, and greens to add more Feng Shui with the outside world. Put up art to give the place a sense of energy. Blank walls inspire blank minds.

Encourage personalization

Encouraging people to put family photos and personal possessions on their desk can make them feel more homely. As long as these items are not taken to the extreme, they should not effect professionalism. In fact, clients coming into the office may be able to find a personal connection in these items, improving trust between both parties. Whom would you rather take advice from – a solicitor with a friendly picture of him and his wife in front of the Eiffel tower, or a solicitor with a blank desk?